Who I am?


Welcome everyone to my English class diary!!

My name is Begoña, I´m 20 years old and I am preparing myself in the University to be a great pre-primary teacher.

The main purpose of this blog is to show you some knowledge, resources and experiences from the subject "Practical Methodology of English Language" that may be very useful for you if you are in a similar situation to mine. To do this, I will write down everything that has been done daily in class and I will end this blog with a final reflection on what t metodologia practica de la lengua inglesa es una gran asignatura donde hemos podido informarnos más acerca de las leyes que regulan la Educacion Infantil mientras aprendiamos diferentes metodologias practicas para conseguir un mayor aprendizaje de los alumnos his subject has meant in my learning. 

But first of all... what has this subject consisted of?

"Practical Methodology of English Language" is a great subject where we have been able to learn more about the laws that regulate Early Childhood Education while learning different practical methodologies to achieve a greater development of students.  In addition, we have also discovered a wide variety os resources to use in class with children. 

Well, once the subject has been summarized... LET´S START WITH THE DIARY!!!!!!
