It is always said that the coordination between school and families is very important, but the work that each one does separately is also essential. Today we have learned some aspects of children´s lives that families should take into account because they can affect the education of their children.
Some of these tips are:
- Act as you would like your children to act.
- Show that your children are important in your life, show interest in their day to day.
- They must sleep long enough to be able to rest. To achieve this, they must go to bed at a reasonable hour and not have technological devices in their room.
- Having a good diet will help the child to work better at school.
- Communicate with the school when a problem arises as calmly as possible.
- If the child has problems with other classmates, try to solve it in the best possible way, always supporting your child and encouraging him to behave well with others.
- Do not believe everything your child tells you, you have to always verify the stories with the school.
- Social media are not the best place to reflect your problems with school, it is better to solve it in person.
- Social networks are dangerous places for your children, especially if they don´t know hoy to use it responsably.
The European La nguage Portfolio (ELP) was created for:
- To support the development of learner autonomy, plurilingualism and intercultural awareness and competence.
- To allow users to record their language learning achievements and their experiences of learning and using languages.
Here you have a brief presentation where you can find the most relevant information about this document that we have just discovered.
The European Language Portfolio was developed by the Language Policy Division of the Council of Europe. It consists of a personal document in which learners of all ages can record their language learning and cultural experiences both within and outside formal education. It also provides a framework for learners to assess their own language competences.
Do you remember the different level of English we talked about last week? Well, today we have continued to learn a little more about them.
Each of the lavels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2) is related to a specific development in each of the language skills. I am going to show you a table where it is explained in more detail.
In my opinion, this table is really useful to better understand the characteristics of our knowledge of English because it is possible that we have different levels in the different skills
Returning to the European Language Portfolio, there are different platforms where you can create your own portfolio, sharing your knowledge, experiences and resources that for years you have been able to achieve throuch the study of languages.
To give you an idea of what a ELP looks like, I share an example that the teachers of the subjects showed us in class.
Finally, we made our personal ELP thanks to this link: https://www.educacion.gob.es/e-pel/
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