One of the things that I like the most about being able to work with children is that you can discover the capacities that each one has and observe their development in different areas.
As teachers, we must know thanks to the Theory of Multiple Intelligences that our intelligence is the result of various specific capacities, and our students will be able to excel more or less in each of the existing intelligences. These intelligences of which we speak are activated or not depending on the culture in wich the child develops, the available opportunities and the decisions made by his environment.
The multiple intelligences are:
In class, we were able to do a test to check in which of all these intelligences we had better and worse results. In my case, the best score was taken by interpersonal intelligence while naturalistic intelligence was the worst valued.
In addition, we also talked about Bloom´s Taxonomy and the learning cone that consists of a pyramid where different activities are distributed which we can do in class to get our students to learn more.
Finally, we finished our class talking about more methos for teaching English. This time we learned about CLIL, which maintains that people learn a second language more successfully when they use the language as means of understanding content.
Thanks to my experience studying in a bilingual highschool, I can say that the CLIL method is one of the mos effective when learning a language.
Continuing with the learning of new methods, on this day we learned about the Total Physical Response (TPR), where the student learn a language thanks to the continuous movement of the body, making the classes much more dynamic and fun.
To better understand what this method defended, we decided to carry out small activities in groups. Specifically our activity aimed to learn the parts of the body, so we decided to do the choreography of the song "Head, shoulders, knees and toes".
Then, we practice writing through short and simple activities:
1. Activity 1, write a letter to your grandmother to thank her present.
Dear grandmother,
Thank you for your great present. In my opinion, it is so useful in parties or even if I am on a campaing trip. I hope it has enough gas inside.
It´s a lighter!!!!
2. Activity 2, write a recommendation for tourists about a monument in your city.
Do you want to feel like a real roman? Do you dare to immerse yourself in history? If you are ready for adventure, come to visit the Roman Circus of Toledo and enjoy this wonder located in the heart of the city. You will not regret!!!
One of the main advantages in Early Childhood Education is that there are a large number of resources to teach content to children. Some of them are:
- Limericks: They are silly poems with five lines, often funny and nonsensical which became famous by Edward Lear. Limericks have a structure of 8, 8, 5, 5, 8 and they often start with the line "There once was a.." or "There was a...".
Here is an example that my classmate Aurora and I created in class:
The huge black bear
There once was a huge black bear
Who always makes children scared
He was really nice
And harmless like a mice
If you see him, don´t be afraid.
- Jazz chants: are a fun way to practice stress and rhyth in the classroom, to help students sound more natural when they speak English. Also, because each jazz chant focuses on different vocabulary and grammar, you can also use them to review important words and structures.
Here is an example that my classmate Aurora and I create in class:
Can I go to the toilet?
No, you can´t
Can I go to the toilet, please?
Yes, you can
Can I borrow your pen?
No, you can´t
Can I borrow your pen, please?
Yes, you can
Can I eat my lunch?
No, you can´t
Can I eat my lunch, please?
Yes, you can
Songs are also a resource that cannot be lacking in the classrooms of the little ones. They can provide valuable speaking, listening and language practice in and out of the classroom. Some reasons why song play an important role in clas of Early Childhood Education are:
- Songs almost always contain authentic, natural language.
- A variety of new vocabulary can be introduced to students throuch songs.
- Songs are usually very easily obtainable.
- Songs can be selected to suit the needs and interests of the students.
- Grammar and cultural aspects can be introduced through songs.
- Time length is easily controlled.
- Students can experience a wide range of accents.
- Song lyrics can be used in relating to situations of the world around us.
- Students think songs are natural and fun.
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