We learned about the latest teaching method "The Natural Approach", which is related to the Zone of Proximal Development that was described by Vygotsky. The Zone of Proximal Development refers to the distance between what the child can solve alone and what he could solve with the help of a guide more trained than him.
The concept of Zone of Proximal Development is linked to the term scaffolding, which is a technique used in education that consists of providing the student with support to get the knowledge, as the child´s development improves, the teacher´s support will be less intil they disappear completely.
In order to ensure that the child is capable of obtaining the knowledge that is proposed to him, motivation plays an essential role. Tere are two types of motivation: intrinsic (it is born from the person without the need for external stimuli) and extrinsic (can be defined as the stimuli that come from ouside the person).
We continue with the implementation of activities that my colleagues began to carry out the day before. In my case, the objective of my activity was to learn to do a countdown. For this, we had to imagine that we were rockets.
First, I started by making a count from 0 to 10 in a normal way to be able to work all the numbers making sure there eas no comprehension problem.
After repeating the count several times, I began to rehearse the countdown by writing the numbers on the board so that they could see them well.
To finish, the classmates had to imagine that they were rockets and had to do the countdown themselves, associating a movement woth each number to make the activity a little more fun.
At the end of all the staging of the activities, we started unit 5 ICT in Foreign Language Teaching for Early Childhood Education pupils. In this unit we could find that in Early Childhood Education, the term ICT could include the following types of hardware and software:
- Computers (including desktop, laptop, and handheld computers)
- Digital cameras and digital video cameras
- Creativity and communication software and tools
- The Internet
- Telephones, fax machines, mobile telephones, tape recorders
- Interactive stories, simulated environments, and computer games
- Programmable toys and “control” technologies
- Videoconferencing technologies and closed-circuit television
- Data projectors, electronic whiteboards, etc.
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