It was a very dynamic class because we were learning while doing activities that we can carry out in the Early Childhood Classroom.
The first activity consisted in that with only 6 triangles of different sizes, we had to form the figures that the teacher was telling us (a house, a fish, a triangle, etc.).
On this occassion, this activity consisted of PLAYING BINGO!!
In this special bingo, Silvia, Aurora and I had to spell and name the word that appeared in the image while the rest of the classmates crossed out the names on their cards.
Those words were: bus, cat, dog, net, fan, pig, ten, sun, hat and leg.
This activity was a success because I was able to learn new words that I did not know while having fun and encouraging my classmates to participate and win. Without a doubt this is an activity that I will use in the future with children.
As future teachers, we must know and practice all the documents and resources that are used in the day-to-day life of a school. An example of these documents are the Didactic Units, where teachers collect the activities they are going to carry out in relation to a topic and the contents, etc. that they will work to achieve specific objectives.
Aurora and I wanted to be original and we decided to work about the topic of Family Diversity. Although the last day to send the didactic unit is in January, this day we were able to plan our first session using some resources that both Maribel and Juan Antonio have shared with us throughout the course.
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NOVEMBER 11th AND 12th
I can´t believe there are the last days!!!! How quickly time passes!!
To finish with the subject, we made group presentations of different topics, pretending that we were teachers and the others were students.
Aurora and I worked "Numbers, colours and shapes" and it was a great opportunity to train as teachers, giving our best and taking care of each of the details so that everything was perfect. An it couldn´t have been better for us!!!!
I share some photos that we took to our colleagues.
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